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[News] - Why does someone need a gps jammer?
Hi guys! I want to know this thing: why does anyone need to use gps jammer anyhow? Is it not easier to just turn gps module of your own mobile phone off?

Hello Nigel!
GPS jammer may become very helpful device in many cases. For example, if you are truck driver and your boss wants to track your movements to see if you "stopped somewhere he don't want you to stop" and in this way control you. Or let's say FBI wants to track your movements without having a warrant to do that. There may be millions of examples, and every time GPS jammers will help you.
As for turning GPS module off, it may help with more simple cases. If someone tries to track GPS location through your phone and you turn this module off, they will lost connection to it. But if more serious organization like CIA or FBI really wants to track you by means of GPS technology, even if this module is turned off they can make it work again in their advantage. They can even remotely turn your cell phone on not talking about GPS module!
Thus consider having GPS jammer in your car to be protected from being tracked by GPS and remember that many people are in need of GPS jammers even if they don't know it for now.
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We are specialized in the development, manufacture and marketing of jamming devices for GPS, cellular and wireless RF communications.
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