FAQ - What would you use a cell phone jammer for? : 5G 4G Mobile Cell Phone Jammer | PaddyRats Online Store

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[News] - What would you use a cell phone jammer for?
Hello everyone! I do not know many info about this topic so please tell me what purpose may cell phone jammer usage have? Is it the multifunctional device?

Hi Kelly!
The question you have asked is really nice! Cell phone jammers may have so many appliances and be used in so many places that describing all of theme here is hardly possible. If you want to discover the world full of cell phone jammers and get to know many of places where they can be used or have been already used - visit our blog about jammers and browse through the categories that might be interesting for you.
You can call cell phone jammers multifunctional devices in some way. You see, they may work with many different frequency ranges and thus be able to block signals of many various electronic devices. This includes 3G, GSM, GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, 4G, UHF/VHF and LoJack frequencies, and others too. It is worth mentioning that jammers may be not only portable but powerful signal jammers are also being used very well.
We hope after reading this answer and articles from our blog you will know much more about cell phone jammer usage :)
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We are specialized in the development, manufacture and marketing of jamming devices for GPS, cellular and wireless RF communications.
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