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[News] - What parts signal jammer consists of?
Hi people! The structure and used components of various devices are very interesting to me. Can someone tell me about the structure of cell signal jammers?

Hi Melissa!
Cell phone jammers are very different devices if you compare them sometimes. Some signal jammers are simple while others are very complex devices with many components combined together in order to make them work properly. If you wish to know more about all main parts that are used in probably any kind of jammer, read this article.
All components are carefully selected to minimize the size of signal jammer, maximize its output power and increase the overall effectiveness of the jamming process. Along with the great useability manufacturers are also trying to create great looking jammers for customers to enjoy the looks of the devices they use.
As you can see, any industry takes good care about the products it makes and jamming industry is not an exception.
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We are specialized in the development, manufacture and marketing of jamming devices for GPS, cellular and wireless RF communications.
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