What is the cell phone jammer kit?

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Hi folks! Can someone explain to me what this cell phone jammer kit is? Is this some kind of secret electric device to jam, I don't know, doors? What is it?

Hello Dina!

It is a pleasure for me to explain what is the cell phone jammer kit to you! No, it is not a secret electric device. But it is electronic indeed. And regarding of the type of the jammer, you can use it to block the signals of many different devices like mobile phones, WiFi and Bluetooth connections, 4G bands, GPS navigation, satellite frequencies, and many other frequency bands.

The name "cell phone jammer kit" is often used to describe the jammer itself, but it also can be the name for the actual kit with cell phone jammers inside. The type of the jammer can differ for various kits. As a rule jammer kits are used only by military organizations and government structures.

But they are not very practical when it comes to using them in urban area. When there are little space to take actions, it is better to use compact jamming device instead of big jammer kit.

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