FAQ - Refrigerator, that blocks cell phones, is it possible? : 5G 4G Mobile Cell Phone Jammer | PaddyRats Online Store

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[News] - Refrigerator, that blocks cell phones, is it possible?
Hello, my question may sound silly, but have you heard about the latest Telestra mobile service malfunctions, due to the broken refrigerator? They say that the old ref was the source of the interference and blocked mobile communications in a few blocks around. I'd like to know if it is real and if it's yes — how can I do it myself?

Hello, Will! Yes, we at cellmobilephonejammer have heard about that cell phone blocking refrigerator. The situation was pretty odd, but is totally possible. First of all, we'll remind about that situation for our readers. The problem was in Australia, where Telestra is one of the major mobile carriers. They've received multiple reports on poor reception and they went there to investigate. Telestra pays great attention to such reports and if the quantity of those reports are going above the limits – they send engineering teams. The source of interference was found – it was an old refrigerator. And we can tell you that it could work as a mobile phone jammer. You know, any sufficient power surge may create a RF noise, that will block data transmissions on the 850 MHz frequency. And in our case – the engine of the refrigerator was the source of interference. Cell phone jamming is possible, because transmitters of mobile phones have tiny 0.25-0.5W capacity and of course, a 1000W electric engine will be able to create the necessary frequency collisions to block those. But trying to do that at home may be dangerous, because you can have a short circuit instead and a fire, as a result. So in case if you need to block mobile communications – it will be much easier to get a decent cell phone signal jammer. Thanks for your question, I hope, I've managed to help.
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