FAQ - Recommend me a signal jammer that will jam all the eavesdropping and surveillance devices in our conference hall please. : 5G 4G Mobile Cell Phone Jammer | PaddyRats Online Store

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[News] - Recommend me a signal jammer that will jam all the eavesdropping and surveillance devices in our conference hall please.

I’m going to have a very important business meeting in three weeks. That meeting can change my whole business and the way we work. I need to be sure that no one will hear what we will be talking about. So, what will you recommend? How can we ensure 100% protection from eavesdropping?

Hello Randall!

You know, eavesdropping bugs are now quite a hot topic on the internet. And the reason of this hides it the fact that eavesdropping bugs are spreading in the US really fast. And there are thousands of different types of those bugs and that’s why it is almost impossible to protect yourself for 100%.

In order to jam a bug you should know exactly what frequency or a band of frequencies that bug uses. And the problem here is in that that there are millions of bugs that use different frequencies and they use a wide bands of frequencies from 900 to 2700 MHz. In order to block the signals of those bugs you would have to jam whole that frequency band and it is used for Wi-Fi, mobile internet, Bluetooth GPS and mobile phone communications.

But despite all of this, we have an alternative solution for you. We suggest you try wireless microphones and cameras detector instead of jamming all of the wireless communications in the area? Our detector will scan frequencies in your conference hall and will show you if there are any device that transmit signals somewhere else. And then you’ll be able to find and simply destroy them.

Thank you for your question and good luck with your business!
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