FAQ - Off Pocket gadget or a signal blocker, what's more effective? : 5G 4G Mobile Cell Phone Jammer | PaddyRats Online Store

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[News] - Off Pocket gadget or a signal blocker, what's more effective?
Hello! I need a privacy protection tool, to make sure that nobody will be able to spy on me with the help of my smartphone. I need to make sure that tracking and remote control of my gadget is impossible. The same must be about eavesdropping and all the data stored there must remain safe. What will you recommend, a signal blocker or an Off Pocket?
Hi there, John!

First of all we at jammer-store should tell you that both of those gadgets are effective, but they must be used for special reasons. If you need to protect your smartphone – Off Pocket will be better we suppose, because you won't disrupt communications of other people around you. Also, if you susoect that your phone might be wiretapped, you can check that here. But the problem with it is the fact that while your smartphone is in that bag – it will just drain battery. The phone won't be able to reach the cell tower and will spend too much energy to support the radio module.

Another point you should consider is the fact that smartphones are rather vulnerable and it is possible to steal data from them remotely. But there is something you can do to make it safer, even without using any special devices. First of all you have to remember the basic safety rules – keep away from public Wi-Fi hotspots, don't install apps from third-party vendors and avoid mobile banking apps. They simply lure various hackers.

It is rather hard to say what is better here, you have to make a decision, depending on your needs. For simple protection Off Pocket will be enough, but to make sure that everything is fine, a powerful signal jammer will be much better. But keep in mind that you might block someone's calls too.

Thanks for your question, I hope, I've managed to help!
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