FAQ - Is there such thing as an iPod jammer? : 5G 4G Mobile Cell Phone Jammer | PaddyRats Online Store

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[News] - Is there such thing as an iPod jammer?
Hello guys! I know that there are many different jammers that have been already made but is there such device as an iPod jammer? Many thanks in advance!

Hello Stacey!
Thanks for your question. I am not sure what do you mean by asking this question? Do you need to jam the ability of iPod to play the music? In this case there is no such jammer on the Earth. However, it is possible to jam some other iPod's abilities like WiFi or ability to make calls, and of course the ability to operate as a GPS tracker.
To jam all wireless connections in the area you need to purchase one of our WiFi jammers - this model would be just perfect for you. We also have a great device which is able to jam both GPS and GSM frequencies at the same time and this is our FF-15 jammer. Thus any kind of iPod's activities (except playing music, of course) can be successfully stopped.
Oh, by the way, iPad and iPhone are also have possible threats for you, thus watch yourself and be aware of modern technological dangers! ;)
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We are specialized in the development, manufacture and marketing of jamming devices for GPS, cellular and wireless RF communications.
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