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[News] - How can I prevent my wedding being ruined by rude mobile phone u
How can I prevent my wedding being ruined by rude mobile phone users?
Hello everyone! In the nearest future I will have my wedding and everything should be perfect at that day, but I am worrying about mobile phone talkers. Can I protect from it somehow?

Hi Nick!
Wedding is a serious step in any person's life. Planning and organizing your wedding is very important because this day must remember to you and your wife as one of the best days in your life. So you are doing great job thinking about how it may be improved and insured from being totally wasted because of a few impolite guests with cell phone addiction.
As long as wedding process is not a small party in the house but huge event with many guests eating, drinking, dancing and having a lot of fun in the open air, I guess the best solution for your problem would be to use powerful desktop jammer for weddings that would cover wide area around it and prevent anyone from using their smartphones in the most important moment.
So I guess now you can check another line in your wedding preparation plan as "done" and with clear head go on and think about the ones which left, until all of them would be marked "done" also, just like this one :)
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