FAQ - How can I prevent Big Brother spying on me? : 5G 4G Mobile Cell Phone Jammer | PaddyRats Online Store

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[News] - How can I prevent Big Brother spying on me?
Hi guys! I know that our government and security organizations of our country are secretly spying on us, so I want to avoid it. Is it possible to do that somehow?

Hello Jenny!
In a modern technologically developed world it is hard sometimes to avoid being in someone's view, especially if this concerns governmental institutions. Yet I can understand your concern and desire to maintain your privacy and personal rights to be free from sleepless eyes of the Big Brother. First of all, read this and this blog posts to get more information on how they are doing it.
Now you know what exactly you can expect from the companies and organizations around you. And of course it is time to think about preventing their dirty deeds. You can prevent Big Brother spying on you by means of many various signal jammers intended to stop devices with different frequency bands from working and thus from spying on you.
There are many ways of monitoring your life like video surveillance, eavesdropping (by means of wireless microphones or even your own cell phone), GPS tracking, and other means. But every single one of them can be prevented via different kinds of signal jammers and let your life to be free from spying on you! :)
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