FAQ - How can I guarantee no cell phones at work? : 5G 4G Mobile Cell Phone Jammer | PaddyRats Online Store

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[News] - How can I guarantee no cell phones at work?
Hello! Many workers from my company are wasting plenty of their time using their mobile phones too much. Can I make this wrong tendency to stop evolving?

Hello Rick! We are sorry for your co-workers wasting many time for things separated from their work. Yes, some time is necessary to communicate with your friends or family, but all must have reasonable bounds. The only exceptions may be made for extreme calls like 911 calls, fire department or police station, hospital, etc. If employees of your company continue to waste their time in such modern way, your boss might consider creating no cell phones at work policy with the help of cell phone jammers. By the way, if you wish to get additional information about this subject, you can read about mobile phones at work in our blog. We hope this data will be useful to you! If some additional questions will appear, don't wander around and just ask them in this Wiki :)
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