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[News] - High Power 3G Mobile Phone Jammer for Indoor Using
As to meet more and more people's requirements and also make it possible for people to gain the cell phone signal jamming device that designed with high quality for people to use. Now various types of cell phone jammers are ready for people to make the best choice such as the handheld mobile phones is for people who want to take the jammer outside with them, the medium high power jammer with desktop style is for people who have the need to use it in certain places and also the high power jammer is suitable for people who have high jamming distance requirements. And is it possible to find a place that offers all the above types of jammers? Yes, of course and here www.cellmobilephonejammer.com can offer you the best selection and a good beginning as well. Now for a lot of places in fact the mobile phones is better not being used such as during the meeting, doing the pray, and also in the office, in the military and also in the prison as well, because usually in such kind of places, the quiet condition are needed or even the mobile phones are not allowed to be used, especially in places as the prison and the military as the information safety inside is really important. So if so apply the mobile phone signal jammers is really important and can help people a lot and as now this "4 Antennas High Power indoor Mobile phone Jammer" is really cool and designed with high quality and powerful jamming distance then just regarded as the example here. And then just have a look at the details of this 3G mobile phone jammer and you will also be attracted by it as well. This 3G mobile phone jammer is really a high power 3G cell phone jammer that designed with high quality and powerful jamming distance, and then you can just see the following content. First because of designed with 45W high power, the jamming distance of this high power 3G cell phone signal jammer is up to 100 meters at most depending on the signal strength in the given area to cut off the signals of CDMA, GSM, DCS, PCS, and also 3G at the same time since it is designed with 4 antennas. Besides this 100 meter 3G cell phone blocker is design with the Omni-directional antennas so that this high power 3G cell phone signal jammer can block the signals from all the directions. Besides as this is a high power 3G cell phone signal jammer so that it is also designed with high quality cooling fan as well, and can always make sure the good working condition for this indoor 3G cell phone blocker. Seen from the above we can see that this indoor 3G cell phone blocker is really powerful and for people who have the appetite to gain one they can just come here and achieve their goal easily.
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We are specialized in the development, manufacture and marketing of jamming devices for GPS, cellular and wireless RF communications.
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