FAQ - Can I prevent Carrier IQ from spying on me somehow? : 5G 4G Mobile Cell Phone Jammer | PaddyRats Online Store

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[News] - Can I prevent Carrier IQ from spying on me somehow?
Hi people! I've heard that Carrier IQ software is really tough thing that is probably impossible to shut down. But how can I protect my smartphone from it?

Hi Donald!
You are absolutely right about the toughness of the Carrier IQ software that is installed in millions of smartphones of various mobile communication carriers around the world. It works really great and is probably impossible to avoid indeed. Still it is not the time to lose heart because you can prevent this software from sending the personal data it stole from you to the data centers and different evildoers.
First of all, read this blog article. There you will find useful information regarding Carrier IQ case and also very helpful video on how to find Carrier IQ software on your smartphone. When you do that, you can protect your smartphone from Carrier IQ software by not letting it send the data from it somewhere else.
By the way, if your smartphone is using 4G frequency in its work, you can also prevent your 4G smartphone from sharing data with Carrier IQ software for sure.
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