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[News] - Can I get reliable protection from Internet of Things camera?
Hello everyone! I have heard that there is such camera called Internet of Things which is small enough to be hidden in my house and take pictures. It would take too much time for me to look for it so is there any reliable protection against it?

Hello Marchello!
Internet of Things camera is a surveillance device that is made by Adafruit Industries and it works pretty well. It consists of many electronic parts which described in details at the company's website. This camera is able to take pictures from the hidden location it is placed at, silently and reliably. It can be hidden in many various places where it will be really difficult to discover it, for example any plush toy in your room or the hollowed-out book in your living room. Its size allows bad guys to use their imagination and hide Internet of Things camera quite well.
But that are not all surprises which might wait for you! This tiny photo camera has the SD card inside that is called Eye-Fi. It is not a regular SD card but more advanced type of those cards. Eye-Fi has built-in WiFi inside that is used to send pictured photos to iPhone, iPad, any Android device, laptop or PC with the wireless connection right after the picture was taken. The software inside the Internet of Things camera creates notification via Twitter, e-mail or other service for the person who placed the camera that the picture was taken and it is stored in the predefined place.
Oh, I've almost forgot. Internet of Things camera has a motion sensor that helps it to determine when a picture must be taken. The rest of the time it remains in the passive mode, waiting for the movement to appear in front of it. So if you don't want to waste a lot of your time trying to find that hidden photo camera, you can simply prevent Eye-Fi of Internet of Things camera from sending taken pictures elsewhere. This will grant you the peace of mind until you'll find spare time to look for hidden camera in your house and discover it!
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