Are there any dangers for pregnant women around the jammer?

Home >  Are there any dangers for pregnant women around the jammer?
Hi guys! I want to use signal jammer to deal with my problems but here is the thing: my wife is pregnant. Are there any possible dangers for her from jammer?

Hi Brian!

Let me tell you this: if you want to use signal jammer to deal with some important matter - do it! It is great that you are worrying about your wife, so let us help you to get more information on this topic.

I guess you would agree that we can call women's pregnancy sacred thing which must be protected and taken care of by all means. And probably because of that you are asking this question, so here is the thing: there is no direct harm which may be done by the jammer regarding your wife or your future kid.

But you must bear in mind some things. You have probably heard about brain cancer and mobile phone rumors? They may be real, even if not all scientists and doctors are agree with them. What all this means? This means that when you will use your signal jammer your wife must NOT be around it or even nearby. Although it is not likely for any negative effect will affect her, don't let her in the jamming radius.

Just in case.

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